Aether’s Story

I’m Aether and I go by he/him but i only found out that at the end of my 8th grade year, i had always been bullied about being a tom boy or taking on more masculine roles in things, like when i would play pretend house with my friends in elementary school and always chose to be the dad, I used to just think that was me being weird or something. later into elementary,  maybe 4th i think i figured out i really liked girls, and i particularly really liked my hyper-feminine cheerleader friend, that was the first realization i had in myself. A few years later i started to hate how i looked with long hair, and got it cut after years of begging my mom to, she eventually let me due to my grades being good and i found myself trying to look as masculine as possible thats when i first considered being a man, i later started looking for names and named myself what i go by now, its been my favorite name to be called and i tried a few out with my friend and liked Aether the best. My mom is highly transphobic so ive just kept to my self about being trans, and im pretty content with it for now, later on i do plan on coming out once i know i have a safe place to move to if i get kicked out. :)


Maddie’s Poem


Anon’s Story