Ray’s Story

Alrighty, let's do this one more time.

My name is Ray, I generally use masculine pronouns and I'm a non-binary, maybe demi-flux artist whose motivation is very wacky and only bursts occasionally on their own. I'm also autistic and half Hispanic, so who knows if that has anything to do with my gender.

I think my story starts when I was like 13, in a mist of a pandemic and all that 2020 jazz. I do remember going back to high school and feeling pretty uncomfortable about my chest. I remember seeing a gaming character that I became gender envious of. I started questioning myself around 14, but I discovered being non-binary when I was around 15 during my Sophomore year. That same year I came out to my parents as Non-binary with a new name, they're chill and alright with me (Though they always misgender me and always fight over They/them pronouns)

I'm still questioning my gender, jumping between non-binary, demi-boy, gender fluid, and right now demi flux (and I don't think I will find my answer anytime soon.) And my sexuality, well I thought I was attracted to just women before I thought I am attracted to personality, though I never actually have any attraction. I find out when I was 16 that I'm not aegosexual nor pansexual nor lesbian, but rather a simple Aromantic Asexual who simply admire the aesthetics of people. It's not easy to accept but here I am, a 17-year-old only interested in keeping up with the friendship I currently have (even if it's online) and figuring out my life for the future.

I'm now passionate and wanting to present many types of queer representations, including people of color and neurodiversity. So, you would often find me drawing various queer original characters and fan characters combined.


Maggie’s Story