Samuel’s Story

I'm transgender. I'm proud to be trans, my name is Samuel, I go by he/him pronouns and I'm 15 years old. But let's go back to where it all started. I was born June 5, 2007. I had a pretty good childhood but there where some rough parts. I wasn't a girly girl like the other girls in my grade. As I got older I didn't like pink, I didn't like purple, I didn't like skirts, I didn't like dresses, etc. Now we jump forward a bit. In December 2020, I was diagnosed with Tourette's/ a tic disorder. It was really hard hearing the words "You have Tourette's syndrome". I knew my life would change from then on. But then the end of December came around and I started questioning my gender along with my sexuality. It wasn't fun struggling with gender identity and sexuality. I then discovered what top dysphoria was. I knew in that moment that I wasn't a girl. Then I started experiencing depression. On May 24, 2021, I came out as a transgender male. But only from that point on my depression and anxiety got worse. I started an IOP therapy program in September after I TW started to figure out what self harm was. Then, in November, I was sent to the hospital for suicidal ideation. I spent 13 days there, I left, but then after 5 days I immediately went back to the psych ward for 15 days. Then I went to something called Residential. It's like a recovery house for anxiety, depression, addiction, self harm, and more. By now I've been out as trans for about 6 months, and at this point, my dysphoria was pretty much crippling. I wanted top surgery so bad and to start Testosterone so bad, but I had to wait patiently for those days to come. After 7 weeks in residential, I went to a program called PHP and started focusing on my gender dysphoria, depression, anxiety and trauma. Then I stepped down to IOP. After I graduated IOP I was pretty happy! I had finally started testosterone during my time in PHP and IOP. I met a new friend in residential and we were pretty much inseparable. TW But then flash forward a month later, I start to feel suicidal again. I had a suicide attempt while I was on a small getaway to San Diego. It's July 2022 now when I got sent back to the psych ward. I'm having psychogenic non epileptic seizures everyday, severe anxiety/depression, and on top of all that, drama with the one person who was my best friend. I spent 8 days in the hospital and now, it's August. I just started IOP for the 3rd time and hopefully last. The moral of the story is that it's not a bad life, it's just a bad day. I have so many things to look forward to! Like I want to be a nurse, I have pets, I start school next week, and so much more. You have something to live for too. So don't give up, trust me it's not worth it. You got this!


Teal’s Story


Barbara’s Story