Bo’s Winning Poem

Hi! I’m Bo (they/xe pronouns) and I’m a nonbinary artist who’s very passionate about queer activism and creating representation and art for others like me :] When I’m not drawing I love to do circus skills and training my service dog, and you can find more of my art and content on Instagram @d20punkz!


We are asteroids and we are comets,

We are the generations after you.

We are stars and we are planets, and we’ll never forget you.

Sailing bricks and burning sticks we’ll never forget your smile,

Pretty wreaths and discarded needles you’ll never be forgotten.

I see your eye’s in the eyes of those who want to hurt me, your unspoken courage will never be concealed. To those who died in battered fights with strangers or parents or lovers, your soul and spirit still walk with us.

I wave my blue, pink, and white above all else because one day if I raise mine high enough you’ll see and be proud.

I know it must have hurt when they took away your lives, but please don’t forget that your eyes are also mine. I don’t see what you saw in your last moments but I surely feel it.

No terfs on this turf, you deserve a place to sleep. We see your flowers as we see your colours and your identity won’t be forgotten. 

With soft smiles and bloody knuckles I own my trans identity, I see you, I feel you, and I love you, just know that we will keep marching until the world knows it's our place to be. 


Anonymous Story


Teal’s Story