Hunter’s Story

I came out as a transgender male around June of last year, i originally told my mom I was non binary, but she didn’t really understand what that meant. And all of my friends knew I was a trans male before the start of 2022. June is pride month and it was the day before a pride parade I was going to be in, I wanted to come out as a trans male to my dad before the parade so I could wear my transgender flag with pride the next day. I asked to talk to my dad, and I walked up to him with my transgender flag the night before the parade, I told him I identify as a boy, and I am a boy, he told me he excepts me and that he loves me, I started crying as I said the words “I am a boy” and he asked why I was crying, it was such an emotional moment for me, I wasn’t sure how he would react, so when I got that massive weight off my shoulders i just wanted to cry, it was tears of joy. When I came out as a trans male to my mother a week or two later I sent her a meme over text, I believe it was something like “swiggity swirl im a guy not a girl” than she texted back “what?” And I explained a little bit more to her, eventually she said that she supports me. My dad and step mom asked me if I had picked out a preferred name yet, and I hadn’t at the time. A month later I told my family what my preferred name is, and my mom was hesitant about it, she didn’t like it very much even though it was an ordinary name, she got used to it. Thank you for listening to my story


Zee’s Story


Pheonix’s Story