Pheonix’s Story

Hi I’m Phoenix and my pronouns are he/they/any neos! When I was around 10 I came out for the first time to someone online. It was really scary and I remember being so freaked out that my parents would find out somehow, but it was great and since then I’ve been out online and to most people in my life other than some family. A lot of the process was just explaining and not expecting much. Not everyone was the nicest but the ones that I kept around definitely were! Coming out definitely helped me find people like me to relate to. Since then there has been alot more representation in the media, which has only been absolutely amazing. I cant wait to eventually be out and not care what others think at all. Coming out that first time didn’t seem like much but it made my life so much lighter. It definitely came with negative feedback but no negativity I got could ever overpower the positive impact it made to my life. :) thanks for letting me share!


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