Anonymous Story

I moved to Texas when I was Young. Around 8-9 at the time. I never wore really girly clothes nor did I act really girly. I never wondered about my identity until I met this one kid. They were such a sweetheart, I will never get to thank them for welcoming me to this new state while also helping me find out that I wasn't who I thought I was. I've been through multiple schools since then. Around 2022, I finally found a term that fit me. Agender. I came out to my mom and I never came out to my dad. Around mid 2022, my mom had finally started opening up to the idea of people having genders that aren't just male and female. I've never been a very talkative kid so I had never dealt with transphobia in person before. In the 2022 to 2023 school year, I had dealt with a kid being transphobic to me and the teacher never did anything about it. In the same year, I had dealt with my art teacher being incredibly Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic, etc. Now with all of the anti-trans bills being written as of March 10th (As I type this, It's become March 11th), I've never struggled to keep myself from attempting so much in one day. I grew my hair out so I could style it and have it in any other form then down but now it feels like my brain knew it was gonna go downhill for us and that it would be safer if I had long hair. I feel pathetic for feeling this way but how can I not feel this way in this situation. Thank you for reading this.


Alex’s Story


Kween Kong Interview Story