Adriana’s Story

i’m 23 for context. I came out not on my own terms unfortunately. I was in 7th grade and i was skyping my bf (at the time i was bisexual) and i wanted to tell him i was bisexual so i wrote it on a piece of paper bc i was afraid to say it out loud bc i was 12 and my parents didn’t know lol and showed him. he didn’t care and i went on with my day but i unfortunately left the paper that said “IM BI” on the table later my parents showed it to me and said “what’s this ” and i explained to them everything. my mom was being extremely dramatic and crying about how “i’ll never be normal and marry a man” when i was bisexual it’s like she didn’t know  what that meant. eventually they stopped caring as much after i had a few gfs. when i was 15 i came out as a lesbian super casually and my mom was like “yeah you haven’t had a bf since middle school i know” lol. then when i was 21 i told her how i’m Non-binary after i moved out. unfortunately she still doesn’t really get that and still uses the wrong pronouns but i know she loves me and i know some kids parents won’t except that at all. i’m proud to be who i am and how i’ve been accepted by those around me my whole life and never really faced any terrible homophobia from my peers. (mostly bc they knew i know i to fight lol) but yeah that’s my coming out story!


Mile’s Story


Tiara’s Story